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Infinite Intelligence
The Mind Module
"Success requires no apologies, failure permits no alibis." ― Napoleon Hill
The spiritual. the mental, the psychological, the emotional, the invisible tug-of-war occurring inside the intangible. The Infinite Intelligence. It's in your hands. "It" is whatever you make it. It could be nothing or it could be everything.
How many footballers do you know that hold themselves back because they simply don't do it? They make excuse after excuse for not doing what they know they need to do in order to be successful.
This module is to show you how you can hack your life. It's to help you come to terms with whatever you don't even know is there. That "internal drive". That passion and thirst that drives all our ambitions. That desire to become our best. The mind that creates progress. not self-sabotage.
Who cares what knowledge you have about mitochondrial health, fascia, and football if you don't even take advantage of it? All these tools are no good if you don't stand up, open your palms and pick them up. All of this is mute if you don't believe. All of this is obsolete if you can't look in the mirror and smile with a knowing...
We don't believe in things that take away our power.
The Infinite Intelligence
What is it? Is it God, Allah, Buddha, and other entities to represent a higher power? The infinite intelligence is merely another way to explain this in a neutral tone without invoking any religious fervor. You can be spiritual without being religious and vice versa.
My aim is not to get into a religious debates or "convert" you to another religion. I am talking about the creative spark from where something is birthed out of nothing. I am talking about dipping your finger into the pie of life.
Instead of thinking of some external powerful being why not consider the possibility of it being within you?
This is where the limitless potential we all possess comes from. This is how ideas flow and inspiration finds itself within an individual. And all you have to do is open your mind to it. Open your mind to the possibility of it. Lower the walls of your mind (fear, disbelief, and conditioning) and allow a connection to grow where inspiration, excitement, and vitality flow into you daily.
I know that sounds too simple or you might possibly think that's "dumb" but stick with it and you'll be rewarded. Oftentimes during meditation, I find myself tossed into a whirlwind of inspiration. It could be about a new idea for Football Entangled or something in my personal life. Essentially, an idea was given to me. I have no problem saying that I built this entire community by merely maintaining a strong desire backed by faith. That allowed the ideas necessary to achieve that goal to flow to me.
I think this is similar to what happens on the pitch when you are truly in a flow state. Ideas and decisions come to you. Some of your actions and movements take a life of their own. The more you can tap into the Infinite Intelligence the better.
Growth vs Fixed Mindset
Now if you've found your way to the Way of the Natural and joined the Entangled Tribe it's a strong likelihood you already have a growth mindset. A mindset that you can develop and you can grow. You can improve your current standing with the correct effort and work. You can become the best.
This would be compared to a fixed mindset where you believe everything is how it is and that's the way it'll always be. You would believe that some are born talented and some are not. You would believe some are meant to be injured all the time and some are meant to be effortlessly athletic. I see this mindset has a wild disease spreading among young men and women these days as a self-protection tactic to remain in their comfortable shell, doing everything possible to remain shielded from risk of rejection.
Catch yourself when you feel yourself sleeping into a defeatist fixed mindset. Toss it out with positive self-talk and remind yourself of these two state of minds.

Below is a passage from Robert Greene's Mastery. It's time you toss off the invisible shackles this modern world thrusts onto you from birth.
Before it is too late you must find your way to your inclination, exploiting the incredible opportunities of the age that you have been born into. Knowing the critical importance of desire and of your emotional connection to your work, which are the keys to mastery, you can in fact make the passivity of these times work in your favor and serve as a motivating device in two important ways. First, you must see your attempt at attaining mastery as something extremely necessary and positive.
The world is teeming with problems, many of them of our own creation. To solve them will require a tremendous amount of effort and creativity. Relying on genetics, technology, magic, or being nice and natural will not save us. We require the energy not only to address practical matters, but also to forge new institutions and orders that fit our changed circumstances. We must create our own world or we will die from inaction. We need to find our way back to the concept of mastery that defined us as a species many millions of years ago.
This is not mastery for the purpose of dominating nature or other people, but for determining our fate. The passive ironic attitude is not cool or romantic, but pathetic and destructive. You are setting an example of what can be achieved as a Master in the modern world. You are contributing to the most important cause of all—the survival and prosperity of the human race, in a time of stagnation. Second, you must convince yourself of the following: people get the mind and quality of brain that they deserve through their actions in life.
Despite the popularity of genetic explanations for our behavior, recent discoveries in neuroscience are overturning long-held beliefs that the brain is genetically hardwired. Scientists are demonstrating the degree to which the brain is actually quite plastic—how our thoughts determine our mental landscape. They are exploring the relationship of willpower to physiology, how profoundly the mind can affect our health and functionality.
It is possible that more and more will be discovered about how deeply we create the various patterns of our lives through certain mental operations—how we are truly responsible for so much of what happens to us. People who are passive create a mental landscape that is rather barren. Because of their limited experiences and action, all kinds of connections in the brain die off from lack of use.
Pushing against the passive trend of these times, you must work to see how far you can extend control of your circumstances and create the kind of mind you desire—not through drugs but through action Unleashing the masterful mind within, you will be at the vanguard of those who are exploring the extended limits of human willpower.
Mastery pg. 14-15- Robert Greene
Ultimately, come to terms that your life is in your hands. This might seem scary at first because seemingly the risk of failure falls in your court. In that same moment, you gain complete freedom because you can do anything you set your mind to. You can have negative beliefs about yourself and the world or you can have high self-worth and simply be great.
The choice is yours.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't
--you're right.
Henry Ford
If you don't risk anything, you risk even more..
Erica Jong
Welcome to the Mind Module from which all else flows. Enjoy!
Further Reading:
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Outwitting the Devil - Napoleon Hill
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
The Rational Male - Rollo Tomassi
The Bug in our Brain - Robert Christiansen