The Video Game
So this is how I see things
In every country, every city on earth
Individuals are divided into 2 groups
95% of people reside in NORMAL BORING WORLD
While the elite 5% reside in a smaller, exclusive "Universe", reserved only for the strong - let's call it G WORLD
NORMAL BORING WORLD - Ugly women, average guys, broke people, low IQ peasants, corporate nerds, incels, robots who work 12h a day, people with jobs, men in sexless marriages etc.
G WORLD - rich people, handsome guys, beautiful women, powerful men, celebrities, influencers, rappers etc.
Clowns live inside of the matrix, their life is dominated by boredom, lack of resources, depression, daily dull tasks, health issues, negative vibes and thoughts, lack of genuine influence over others, lack of admiration or hate - they're invisible to anyone except their family.
The strong live a life of unlimited options. Everyone looks up to them wherever they go. Peasants hate them and fuel them with energy. Girlfriends that adore them, fancy locations, free time for hobbies and interesting activities, "slaves" for boring tasks.
50% of clowns strive in order to escape the rat race
They go to the gym, learn skills, worship the right people & really work towards penetrating the GOOD LIFE
Some win, some just get "killed" along the way by different hostile elements of the matrix
Only the competent make it
What's funny is that
The other 50% of the clowns choose to disdain the life that they cannot have
They decided it's too hard to change their circumstances so they opt for hating on the strong
What they don't realize is that they're actually FEEDING the people they hate.
When a clown writes mean comments on the internet, his purpose is to make the "enemy" feel bad about himself
But what it actually does is, it increases the engagement of that particular person.
Negativity has the opposite effect
It just grows that man's power.
All the negative clowns typed millions of shitty opinions that did nothing but convince the algorithm to push that person EVEN HARDER.
- They made people like Andrew Tate even more ENERGETIC and MOTIVATED to put effort into their ascent.
Most of the elite people you heard of, were also CLOWNS when they started
Be a POSITIVE CLOWN - Show respect, work hard, take some risks, attack every day, don't hate others
If you're bitter you only make the ones you hate STRONGER. Ignore. Focus on yourself G.
Consider life the ultimate video game. An endless MMORPG. An open sandbox with better plot twists than any hollywood scriptwriter could create. And yet people plug into a false reality inside a little box.
Go outside and level up your attributes. Chase reality. Chase organic. Chase spontaneity.
This is a 5 star video game.
- Jeff Berwick
Perhaps you have heard the story about the bugs in the jar. Or perhaps you actually conducted this experiment when you were a child. You catch some flying insects in a jar, and put the lid on.
The lid is a screen lid, so they can breathe, but they cannot get out. You can even put a little food and water in there, and they have air to breathe, so they stay alive. Naturally the bugs fly around incessantly, batting and banging against the lid and the sides of the jar, trying to get out.
They do this for hours. Then after a while, they give up and just sit there. They are still alive, but they have become conditioned into believing that there is no way to get out. Now you can take the lid off, and they won't leave. They may still crawl around, they may even fly a little bit, but they won't go out of the jar. Even though the lid is off and they are perfectly free to leave, they will not. They will stay, and stay, and stay.
They will never leave. Such is the conditioning of human beings. After years, generations, centuries, of habitual thinking in terms of limitations, subjection, submission, enslavement . . . most people came to think of themselves as boxed-in, even though it is just a fantasy. It is just a hallucination, a mirage.
Hence, the spectacularly good news is that the power is within the hands of each of us to simply realize it, and start living free. Part of that awakening is realizing how much abundance is already around us.
So many people say they can't do this or that because "I don't have the money". And yet they are swimming, unconsciously, in an ocean of abundance. All that is needed is to wake up and start distributing what is already here, into more useful manifestations.
As I've always said, your power was always inside of you. Just waiting for YOU to wake up and realize it.
Waiting for you to stand up and take it.
It is my hope with this Mind Module you have those tools and a springboard to set chase from.
Because ultimately that is the fun in life: the journey.
The destination will be nice when you reach it, but ultimately you'll be looking for the next mountain to climb or the next "video game" to play.
Action Items
Tell me how you plan to conquer your life.