
Rewrite Your Mind

Below you will see a few sets of affirmation to be done every morning while staring into your eyes in the mirror. Every morning in a private place where you can look yourself in the mirror. The more you bring high self-worth into your life, the more high self-worth results will come to you. Say these with emotion and a smile.

Be cognizant to when you subconsciously repeat negative thoughts to yourself and replace them with the phrases below.

My Attractive Healthy Athletic body

I am an attractive health-conscious human being.

I have a healthy image of myself with increasing energy, vitality, and grace.

I am vibrant and alive.

I believe my health is the greatest of human blessings.

I desire healthy food.

I am happy and grateful that I exercise every day.

Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better.

I am flexible and flowing.

My body knows what to do with food, and I trust it.

Every cell in my body is loved and healthy

I love my body. Every part is perfectly fitted to me, as God would have it be.

I see the beauty in all people.

I am grateful for all the things my body allows me to do.

I nourish my body with healthy foods, rest, and exercise.

I enjoy my body.

I am perfect and complete.

I take care of my body, inside and out.

I eat mindfully.

I love my body fort taking care of me.

Thank you for my body.

The Gift

I am a gift. Everywhere I go, people are happy to see me. They smile and encourage me at every step. Supporters and believers surround me.

I am beautiful. Every part of my body is perfectly shaped and a gift to me. I see beauty in everyone and love every part of my body.

I am awesome. I serve others because I like to help, and I receive incredible joy from their happiness. I love my fellow man in every way, and they love me.

I am smart. I know that I can achieve anything I want and am willing to change my actions to achieve my goals. I see opportunity everywhere.

I am a receiver. I’m open and willing to receive the abundance of the universe now. I’m wealthy in every way.

I am forgiven. I’m forgiven for all the actions that I believe hurt others, and I forgive everyone who believe harmed me.

I am a gift and am worthy of love.

I Believe

I believe in the power of my thoughts. I know what I am doing and understand how to change my life.

I believe God always says yes.

I believe divine love shines from within me.

I believe self-worth controls my experiences.

I believe all is possible through higher self-worth.

I believe in prayer and understand how prayer works.

I believe money is how God flows material abundance to me.

I believe God sends me exactly what I believe I am worth.

I believe I am love, peace, light, and beauty.

I believe in compassion and speak highly of all people.

I believe I am a beautiful example of success.

I believe my welfare comes first and I act accordingly.

I believe I am of maximum service to those who need me.

I believe I shape my world and experience what I want.

I believe I am the creator of my world.

I believe there is only one source and it listens to me.

I believe in myself - always.

My True Definitive Purpose

I follow my highest desire and take action toward its realization. I am true to myself and all men and women. I commit to treat them as I wish to be treated.

I always seek positive outcomes for all parties involved in business transactions and personal relationships.

I elevate my self-worth for the attainment of my true purpose in life.

I allow others to help me because of my willingness to help them.

I love all people, of all shapes, sizes, colors, and creeds.

I am one with all people and they are one with me.

I make great decisions and feel a deep sense of peace knowing my choices are always perfect.

I am the best I have ever been and know I will be even better tomorrow.

I am a winner - now and forever.

My success is preordained because I am the best at what I do.

I love my life and all those in it.

The road to my true purpose is beautiful, glorious, and brilliant.

My Abundance

I open myself to all the wealth of the universe. I allow financial, personal, physical, and spiritual prosperity to flow in my life. I open myself to the infinite intelligence of all ages and trust that is has my highest benefit at heart. I allow abundance to freely flow money, wealth, and prosperity into my life. It is done.

Advancement and Decisions

I always make the right decisions. Every decision I make is perfect and is exactly the right choice at the right time. If a different decision is to be made. God will always send me more information, and I will make a different decision. I always make the perfect decision - every time.

Lucky Person

I am the lucky person.

Good fortune follows me and rewards my good deeds.

Everywhere I look, people are good-hearted and want me to help me achieve good things.

Money and prosperity flow to me with ease with genuine desire to please me.

I see life as a joy that brings me the rewards of a positive attitude, or as others, see it - luck.

Everybody who believes they are lucky is lucky. Every opportunity in front of me is brought to me because I imagined it., thought it, and therefore my luck is exactly to the proportion I believe it to be.

I am the luckiest person in the world. Endless good fortune comes my way.

And I gladly accept it.

Feel free to copy and paste this onto a note doc or even write them down in a journal. Something that is offline and easily accessible.

Credit: The Bug in Our Brain - Robert Christiansen

Rewrite Your Mind

Below you will see a few sets of affirmation to be done every morning while staring into your eyes in the mirror. Every morning in a private place where you can look yourself in the mirror. The more you bring high self-worth into your life, the more high self-worth results will come to you. Say these with emotion and a smile.

Be cognizant to when you subconsciously repeat negative thoughts to yourself and replace them with the phrases below.

My Attractive Healthy Athletic body

I am an attractive health-conscious human being.

I have a healthy image of myself with increasing energy, vitality, and grace.

I am vibrant and alive.

I believe my health is the greatest of human blessings.

I desire healthy food.

I am happy and grateful that I exercise every day.

Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better.

I am flexible and flowing.

My body knows what to do with food, and I trust it.

Every cell in my body is loved and healthy

I love my body. Every part is perfectly fitted to me, as God would have it be.

I see the beauty in all people.

I am grateful for all the things my body allows me to do.

I nourish my body with healthy foods, rest, and exercise.

I enjoy my body.

I am perfect and complete.

I take care of my body, inside and out.

I eat mindfully.

I love my body fort taking care of me.

Thank you for my body.

The Gift

I am a gift. Everywhere I go, people are happy to see me. They smile and encourage me at every step. Supporters and believers surround me.

I am beautiful. Every part of my body is perfectly shaped and a gift to me. I see beauty in everyone and love every part of my body.

I am awesome. I serve others because I like to help, and I receive incredible joy from their happiness. I love my fellow man in every way, and they love me.

I am smart. I know that I can achieve anything I want and am willing to change my actions to achieve my goals. I see opportunity everywhere.

I am a receiver. I’m open and willing to receive the abundance of the universe now. I’m wealthy in every way.

I am forgiven. I’m forgiven for all the actions that I believe hurt others, and I forgive everyone who believe harmed me.

I am a gift and am worthy of love.

I Believe

I believe in the power of my thoughts. I know what I am doing and understand how to change my life.

I believe God always says yes.

I believe divine love shines from within me.

I believe self-worth controls my experiences.

I believe all is possible through higher self-worth.

I believe in prayer and understand how prayer works.

I believe money is how God flows material abundance to me.

I believe God sends me exactly what I believe I am worth.

I believe I am love, peace, light, and beauty.

I believe in compassion and speak highly of all people.

I believe I am a beautiful example of success.

I believe my welfare comes first and I act accordingly.

I believe I am of maximum service to those who need me.

I believe I shape my world and experience what I want.

I believe I am the creator of my world.

I believe there is only one source and it listens to me.

I believe in myself - always.

My True Definitive Purpose

I follow my highest desire and take action toward its realization. I am true to myself and all men and women. I commit to treat them as I wish to be treated.

I always seek positive outcomes for all parties involved in business transactions and personal relationships.

I elevate my self-worth for the attainment of my true purpose in life.

I allow others to help me because of my willingness to help them.

I love all people, of all shapes, sizes, colors, and creeds.

I am one with all people and they are one with me.

I make great decisions and feel a deep sense of peace knowing my choices are always perfect.

I am the best I have ever been and know I will be even better tomorrow.

I am a winner - now and forever.

My success is preordained because I am the best at what I do.

I love my life and all those in it.

The road to my true purpose is beautiful, glorious, and brilliant.

My Abundance

I open myself to all the wealth of the universe. I allow financial, personal, physical, and spiritual prosperity to flow in my life. I open myself to the infinite intelligence of all ages and trust that is has my highest benefit at heart. I allow abundance to freely flow money, wealth, and prosperity into my life. It is done.

Advancement and Decisions

I always make the right decisions. Every decision I make is perfect and is exactly the right choice at the right time. If a different decision is to be made. God will always send me more information, and I will make a different decision. I always make the perfect decision - every time.

Lucky Person

I am the lucky person.

Good fortune follows me and rewards my good deeds.

Everywhere I look, people are good-hearted and want me to help me achieve good things.

Money and prosperity flow to me with ease with genuine desire to please me.

I see life as a joy that brings me the rewards of a positive attitude, or as others, see it - luck.

Everybody who believes they are lucky is lucky. Every opportunity in front of me is brought to me because I imagined it., thought it, and therefore my luck is exactly to the proportion I believe it to be.

I am the luckiest person in the world. Endless good fortune comes my way.

And I gladly accept it.

Feel free to copy and paste this onto a note doc or even write them down in a journal. Something that is offline and easily accessible.

Credit: The Bug in Our Brain - Robert Christiansen