

I was the same.

But as the years went by I stumbled upon this concept time and time again.

And finally understood “the thing” some were talking about, that you can only really get to once you've been bottomed out and get to have an honest chat with your inner self, your subconscious.

Do I actually believe I deserve anything in this world?

Do I deserve to win, triumph, and be happy in this life?

Most people have never honestly asked themselves that.

Or they have and brush it off as “yeah of course”…

But their actions say otherwise

And the patterns of their life keep them in a self-repeating cycle of small growth and small setbacks.

This is where the Success Paradox comes in.

The subconscious intrinsically believing it is not deserving of success.

It will tear everything down moments before you reach “success” or wherever it doesn't believe you deserve to reach.

On the precipice of transformation, it will lead you back to old habits and old routines so that you stay in “safety”.

But in reality, “safety” is your comfort zone. It's where you've always been, and it's where you'll stay if you don't do anything about it.

So, what do you do?

Well you have to grab your self-worth by the horns and lift it up manually.

No one else is going to do it…

Where to start?

Take this words out of your mind. These are limiting self-talk words that lower your inherent self-worth and thus what you believe you are worthy of achieving.

  • if only
  • I can't
  • Should have
  • Would have
  • Could have
  • I'm sorry
  • Turn “I have to” into “I get to”

Turn off the Bad News

  • Stop consuming nonsense. We've covered a lot of this in the Sphere of Influence work earlier in this module.
  • Turn off and/or unfollow all negative social media accounts, tv channels, youtube accounts, etc.
  • Stop receiving news feeds in your email.
  • Unsubscribe to news alerts.
  • Block "friends" who post negative garbage. Cut them out.

“I don't allow clowns in my life because I don't want my life to be a circus.”

- Ahmed Ben Chaibah

Don't flood your mind with images, video, or sounds of negativity and despair. It does not serve you. Protect the portals of your mind.

Worthiness is the passport to success

- Robert Christiansen

The Importance of Ego

Positive: drives you to act in your own self-interest.
Negative: stubbornness and inability to acknowledge mistakes.

Don't kill the ego because then you will have 0 self-worth and 0 reason to strive to be your best.

But also don't have too big of an ego because of course you will be blinded by it.

It's a fine line. Ultimately I want everyone here to demand more from themselves. That means more self-worth and a bigger healthier ego.

You deserve to be the best, right?

Action Items

Tell me 3 ways you are going to demand more from yourself and thus stop settling for so-so.

I don't care how old, "experienced", or cool you are. Everyone has room to improve.


I was the same.

But as the years went by I stumbled upon this concept time and time again.

And finally understood “the thing” some were talking about, that you can only really get to once you've been bottomed out and get to have an honest chat with your inner self, your subconscious.

Do I actually believe I deserve anything in this world?

Do I deserve to win, triumph, and be happy in this life?

Most people have never honestly asked themselves that.

Or they have and brush it off as “yeah of course”…

But their actions say otherwise

And the patterns of their life keep them in a self-repeating cycle of small growth and small setbacks.

This is where the Success Paradox comes in.

The subconscious intrinsically believing it is not deserving of success.

It will tear everything down moments before you reach “success” or wherever it doesn't believe you deserve to reach.

On the precipice of transformation, it will lead you back to old habits and old routines so that you stay in “safety”.

But in reality, “safety” is your comfort zone. It's where you've always been, and it's where you'll stay if you don't do anything about it.

So, what do you do?

Well you have to grab your self-worth by the horns and lift it up manually.

No one else is going to do it…

Where to start?

Take this words out of your mind. These are limiting self-talk words that lower your inherent self-worth and thus what you believe you are worthy of achieving.

  • if only
  • I can't
  • Should have
  • Would have
  • Could have
  • I'm sorry
  • Turn “I have to” into “I get to”

Turn off the Bad News

  • Stop consuming nonsense. We've covered a lot of this in the Sphere of Influence work earlier in this module.
  • Turn off and/or unfollow all negative social media accounts, tv channels, youtube accounts, etc.
  • Stop receiving news feeds in your email.
  • Unsubscribe to news alerts.
  • Block "friends" who post negative garbage. Cut them out.

“I don't allow clowns in my life because I don't want my life to be a circus.”

- Ahmed Ben Chaibah

Don't flood your mind with images, video, or sounds of negativity and despair. It does not serve you. Protect the portals of your mind.

Worthiness is the passport to success

- Robert Christiansen

The Importance of Ego

Positive: drives you to act in your own self-interest.
Negative: stubbornness and inability to acknowledge mistakes.

Don't kill the ego because then you will have 0 self-worth and 0 reason to strive to be your best.

But also don't have too big of an ego because of course you will be blinded by it.

It's a fine line. Ultimately I want everyone here to demand more from themselves. That means more self-worth and a bigger healthier ego.

You deserve to be the best, right?

Action Items

Tell me 3 ways you are going to demand more from yourself and thus stop settling for so-so.

I don't care how old, "experienced", or cool you are. Everyone has room to improve.