

Purely in the moment. Total focus on the here and now.

Compare that to a mind fluttered with regrets of the past and worries of the future.

Compare that to a mind sucked in and glued to instant gratification of social media, porn, processed junk foods, and netflix.

Your Sphere of Influence

The first and foremost thing the Entangled Footballer needs to do is ruthlessly protect their mind, vibration, and time.

I know it's so cliché, but you really are the result of the people (and things) you spend the most time with. We see that obviously in Football when good players make each other better.

I want you to think about the things that you give free rent to your head. What do you allow into your mind?

  • Self-limiting beliefs: "I can't...", "One day...", "If only..."
  • Self-limiting people who can pass these beliefs onto you.

Reject negative energy and "bad news" at all costs. Countless people love to live in tiny cycles of endless ups and downs utlimately going nowhere.

Turn off the news. Figuratively and literally.

There's a reason they call it a news story and not a news report. Modern news which now is not just on TV but all social media is designed to put fear into you to keep you addicted to watching it.

"Protect the portals of your mind"
- Robert Christiansen

Now this doesn't just mean negative information, but also negative people. Their self-limiting beliefs and behaviors rub off on your whether you like it or not.

Surround yourself with what to become or at very least be like. That's another great aspect of the Entangled Tribe is finding people that will actually better your cause not hold you back.

Ultimately, guard your awareness, sphere of influence, and mind with extreme prejudice. This world is filled with people and things attempting to pull you one way or another. They want you to consume, consume, consume. They don't want you to create. They don't want you to do. They don't want you to be your best.

That comes from within. That's the greatest power hiding in between the lines that will only show itself if you let it.

Before you can rise, you need to shed the old you. You need to leave behind what you don't want to be.

Below you will find a series of recommendations to begin implementing in your life:
  • Delete most your social media apps that you just end up scrolling mindlessly.
  • Unfollow all pages and people that do not add value to your life. This includes old friends or acquaintances that you'd never realistically hang out with in real life or ever see again.
  • If you're a man, unfollow all females that you don't actually have a relationship with of some kind.
  • Only follow your real friends, family, and inner circle.
  • You can make a “public account” that you just have for appearances, but don't actually use.
  • Turn phone on airplane mode around 9PM and don't go off airplane mode until you've done all your important morning habits.
  • Disable all notifications on your phone for things that aren't important. Every second of your consciousness is vital.
  • Make your living area clean and orderly. Make your bed every morning. Throw away stuff you never use. Don't let junk clutter your life physically or digitally.
  • Keep a journal with you thoughts and ideas for the future. Get them down on paper so you can really see if they're worthwhile or not.
  • Stop using abbreviations in your speech like “Yh” “Bet” “smth” “wya” or "lol". Language is a tool and a weapon. Use it. Don't let it be used against you. Don't let you mind go on autopilot and fall victim to group think.
  • Sources of artificial dopamine spikes:
  • Social media validation: “likes”
  • Don't follow or like photos of women obviously looking for validation or attention.
  • Eliminate all sources of imagery that could trigger you. This especially includes any imagery of women if you have a history of porn use.
  • Artificial Blue light

Ultimately radically control what takes up your time and mental focus or energy

Again, I know this is cliché these days but you are really are the result of the people you interact a lot with. Negative vibrations, beliefs, and low self-worth will rub off on you.

You want to be surrounded by winners or people with ambition. You want to cut out what I call “time vampires”. People who just want to waste your time to keep themselves preoccupied and feeling involved.

Once you've cut out all the noise, then you have the time to chase after what you truly want and find others on the same path. Then you can get deeper into meditation. Then you spend your valuable time doing what matters.

Further Sources:

Chapter 47 Bad News - The Bug in Our Brain


Purely in the moment. Total focus on the here and now.

Compare that to a mind fluttered with regrets of the past and worries of the future.

Compare that to a mind sucked in and glued to instant gratification of social media, porn, processed junk foods, and netflix.

Your Sphere of Influence

The first and foremost thing the Entangled Footballer needs to do is ruthlessly protect their mind, vibration, and time.

I know it's so cliché, but you really are the result of the people (and things) you spend the most time with. We see that obviously in Football when good players make each other better.

I want you to think about the things that you give free rent to your head. What do you allow into your mind?

  • Self-limiting beliefs: "I can't...", "One day...", "If only..."
  • Self-limiting people who can pass these beliefs onto you.

Reject negative energy and "bad news" at all costs. Countless people love to live in tiny cycles of endless ups and downs utlimately going nowhere.

Turn off the news. Figuratively and literally.

There's a reason they call it a news story and not a news report. Modern news which now is not just on TV but all social media is designed to put fear into you to keep you addicted to watching it.

"Protect the portals of your mind"
- Robert Christiansen

Now this doesn't just mean negative information, but also negative people. Their self-limiting beliefs and behaviors rub off on your whether you like it or not.

Surround yourself with what to become or at very least be like. That's another great aspect of the Entangled Tribe is finding people that will actually better your cause not hold you back.

Ultimately, guard your awareness, sphere of influence, and mind with extreme prejudice. This world is filled with people and things attempting to pull you one way or another. They want you to consume, consume, consume. They don't want you to create. They don't want you to do. They don't want you to be your best.

That comes from within. That's the greatest power hiding in between the lines that will only show itself if you let it.

Before you can rise, you need to shed the old you. You need to leave behind what you don't want to be.

Below you will find a series of recommendations to begin implementing in your life:
  • Delete most your social media apps that you just end up scrolling mindlessly.
  • Unfollow all pages and people that do not add value to your life. This includes old friends or acquaintances that you'd never realistically hang out with in real life or ever see again.
  • If you're a man, unfollow all females that you don't actually have a relationship with of some kind.
  • Only follow your real friends, family, and inner circle.
  • You can make a “public account” that you just have for appearances, but don't actually use.
  • Turn phone on airplane mode around 9PM and don't go off airplane mode until you've done all your important morning habits.
  • Disable all notifications on your phone for things that aren't important. Every second of your consciousness is vital.
  • Make your living area clean and orderly. Make your bed every morning. Throw away stuff you never use. Don't let junk clutter your life physically or digitally.
  • Keep a journal with you thoughts and ideas for the future. Get them down on paper so you can really see if they're worthwhile or not.
  • Stop using abbreviations in your speech like “Yh” “Bet” “smth” “wya” or "lol". Language is a tool and a weapon. Use it. Don't let it be used against you. Don't let you mind go on autopilot and fall victim to group think.
  • Sources of artificial dopamine spikes:
  • Social media validation: “likes”
  • Don't follow or like photos of women obviously looking for validation or attention.
  • Eliminate all sources of imagery that could trigger you. This especially includes any imagery of women if you have a history of porn use.
  • Artificial Blue light

Ultimately radically control what takes up your time and mental focus or energy

Again, I know this is cliché these days but you are really are the result of the people you interact a lot with. Negative vibrations, beliefs, and low self-worth will rub off on you.

You want to be surrounded by winners or people with ambition. You want to cut out what I call “time vampires”. People who just want to waste your time to keep themselves preoccupied and feeling involved.

Once you've cut out all the noise, then you have the time to chase after what you truly want and find others on the same path. Then you can get deeper into meditation. Then you spend your valuable time doing what matters.

Further Sources:

Chapter 47 Bad News - The Bug in Our Brain