Unspoken Confidence
Confidence is instant. Confidence is smooth. Confidence is transmitted silently.
There is an intangible quality that comes to a human being after they've "been through it".
After they've experienced great trials and tribulations. After they've overcome true struggles that they really weren't sure if they would make it. By continually following their intuition and pushing the limits of what life has to offer.
This is what gives elite professional footballers an "aura". They are literally built different. They carry themselves in a way that can only be achieved after accomplishing amazing things such as:
- Playing in front of tens of thousands of fans screaming at them.
- Not shitting their pants when things get tough away from home.
- Winning penalty shootouts.
This is an example of the mental hurdles at the highest level.
How can you build unspoken confidence to help you get to that level and be able to handle it with ease?
You push the boundaries of your life, both athletically and metaphysically.
This could mean things like traveling by yourself, public speaking, approaching women, winning trophies, or simply discipline to your training over many years.
The idea is you must ACT.
You must overcome and see the confidence from actual experience build inside you.
In Self Made Talent, we have a challenge to find the most busy place in your area (with people) and juggle barefoot for 15 minutes.
As of March 23rd, 2023: not one person out of the hundreds that have purchased SMT has uploaded a video of themselves completing that challenge
That should tell you a lot.
Struggle and suffering is what makes men great. NO great man hasn’t lived through struggle and suffering.
Stop trying to NOT make mistakes. Move with such speed and purpose that those mistakes don’t even get noticed because you’re doing so much more than the mere mortals you’re surrounded by.
Don't shy away from big challenges in life. They will mold you one way or another.
Win or you learn.
Unless one has a 🔮 ball, no one makes zero mistakes. Learn from mistakes... And then DON'T MAKE the same mistake twice. Be professional. The point here is to make as few non-fatal mistakes as possible. And that's why we join WR, learn from other people's mistakes and experience so you don't need to make them yourself. Don't need to re-invent the wheels. As long you're alive, you get to fight another day.
I don’t lose, I either win or I learn.
Action Items
Film yourself juggling barefoot in the most busy public area with as many eyes on you as possible. Post link below.