Calories in, Calories out.
"Eat Healthy".
Don't eat candy and you'll be healthy.
Moderation is key (rationalizing holding onto bad habits)
Avoid fat to not gain fat.
And yet all followed all these things for years and still never was in "great shape" albeit training, playing, and working out way more than other athletes.
And those same teammates who ate McDonalds and never went to the gym were ripped...
Then you're told "oh it's just a slow metabolism" or "just bad genetics"...
More nonsense to make you acquiesce to poor health.
I do though always remember a voice in the back of my mind saying "does any of this healthy food even get absorbed properly into my body"?
Of course at the time, you ignore it and keep holding onto what you're told by "experts"...
But after all these years, that little voice was right. My intuition was right. Your body knows best, if you know how to listen to it.
Who cares how many "nutrients" are in food if they aren't digestible or even worse, oxidized and processed causing damage to the body?
And that's most modern foods.
All the supposed nutrients inside these processed foods get thrown at us every single day.
But in reality, you can digest and assimilate the nutrients inside Real Food. Nutrients inside their evolutionary envelope primed for utilization inside your body.
Put simply: alive
Alive with bio-active enzymes and bacteria ready to assimilate with your tissues.
Ready to nourish the body.
Much has been covered already in previous lessons on what to eat, what not to eat, and how to source properly.
Water with meat is not a good combination. If you are really thirsty it's better to have some milk with meat than water.
Water dilutes digestive fluids in the stomach and then the meat sits there twice as long.
Best drink for the first half of the day is the celery vegetable juice in second half of the day more sugar-containing options like milk or sports formula.
There are several significant ways to increase protein usage:
Eat raw unsalted cheese 10 minutes before every meal, it prevents a lot of bloating (takes toxins away).
Always take a few moments before eating to breathe in and out. Even if you're not into praying or anything, it is a nice excuse to get into a more parasympathetic state and be grateful for your food. Positive emotions around food equal better food.
Remember all the Food Combination principles!