All these things are your body responding to it's environment.
It's your body leveling up.
It's your body telling you it's time to rest so it can get some work done.
Avoid medication. Avoid antibiotics unless it is life-threatening. Avoid cough syrup. Avoid any and all things that blunt the symptoms of sickness.
Nourish the body with rest and proper food. Be appreciative that your body is leveling up.
It's not healthy long-term to never be sick.
Should you be sick all the time? no...
Seasonal detox is the way to go.
When your body wants rest, help it along.
Understand that fever is your body doing some serious work under the hood for rapid healing (increased body temperature).
Nausea, vomit, diarrhea, edema (swelling), failed appetite, insomnia, aches and pains, lethargy, impotence, weight-loss, colds, flu, fever, and even immobility are indications of detoxification.
Detoxification is necessary to reverse disease.
It is our bodies way of cleansing themselves of toxins. Swelling occurs during periods when massive toxins inundate the blood and/or tissues, such as injury including poisons.
Swelling is a sign of increased circulation required to dilute and remove toxins and to increase nutrients to toxic areas.
First and foremost, the lymphatic bath covered in the Performance Matrix module helps a lot especially when you consume unripe lime juice, coconut cream, and raw dairy cream beforehand.
You can also eat cooked food to help stop the detoxification if you really have to but you usually want the detoxification to do what it needs to do rather than stunting it. Baked Chicken would be an easy go-to here.
Drink a mixture of 4 ounces warm good mineral water, 1-2 tablespoons raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, 2-3 tablespoons fresh raw lemon juice, and 2-4 tablespoons unheated honey several times daily.
Coughs are the body's way of loosening and eliminating toxic mucus, or increasing circulation to the torso, including respiratory and cardiac systems, intestines, and glands. However if the mucus membranes cannot produce enough mucus to bind with toxins, they become dry, and convulsive coughs may result.
Drinking smoothies made of 2-3 raw eggs, .5 cup fresh raw fruit and 2-4 tablespoons unheated honey supplies the nutrients to form healthy mucus and lubricate mucous membranes.
Drinking plenty of naturally carbonated water with plenty of unheated honey for a day or so allows the stomach and intestines to cleanse. Then drinking plenty of smoothies, such as eggs blended with unripe banana, facilitates the detoxification and elimination process.
Naturally sparkling water with unheated honey. You may add lemon.
Eat a little honeycomb. Fresh local bee pollen will help too. Avoid cheeses during hay fever season.