Studying the Natural

Studying the Natural #1: The Street

Anyone in the Football World is well aware that the US produces very average players for the amount of elite athletes it produces in other sports. Many say this is only because football isn't popular in the US. I can say from personal experience this is far from the case. There is more than enough interest in a diverse country of more than 300 million to produce higher quality players than what currently is made.

Studying the Natural #2: How Modern Living Holds You Back From Becoming a Better Footballer

The modern lifestyle is something all humans have begun to think is normal. The grind of school. The routine of a 9-5 job. The never-ending wait until the weekend. We are always so busy with something, whether it be our jobs, our homework, our phones, or our Netflix.

Studying the Natural #3: The Secret Ingredient for the Natural?

Poverty here is meant to merely describe simple living as opposed to the high-stress fast-paced environments of western industrialized countries inundated by modern technology and 24/7 convenience.

Studying the Natural #4: Less is More

The simplicity of humble living is looked down upon in our consumer materialism culture, but in reality it is where health and performance thrives.

Studying the Natural #5: The Real Natural

It's time we take a step back further to learn about the real Natural. The one who came before modern living. Before we "hunted" at the gym and "gathered" at the grocery store. Before we had 24/7 air conditioning and artificial lighting to trick our bodies. Far before we could fly fruit from Chile up to Chicago and think that's fine to eat(lol). Way before we've come to consider optimal health is hiding inside a smoothie or expensive supplement. It's time we understand our roots.