My Journey

Part 4: My Travels

It's what every kid dreams of. Hopping on a plane to fly across the world in the search of a pro contract. I had just turned 18 years old and with two months left of high-school, I went for it.

Part 5: Sweden

At this point in time, I've returned from Greece. I had a month left of highschool, and then I was done. 18 years old and free to leave. That's what I always wanted. Get my deal playing somewhere in Europe. Anywhere, I didn't care. As long as it was in Europe, and it was professional, I was a go.

Part 1: The Early Years

Growing up, I wasn't the naturally lean kid. I carried a bit of extra weight around the belly and always a little nervous to have my shirt off around others. Even though I was what you'd call athletic, I don't think I was truly healthy. My parents told me don't worry about it, it'll go away as you get older, It's just baby fat, but it never did.

Part 2: The First Injury

Looking back, with the knowledge I possess now, this first injury set the stage for so many years of debilitating injuries, niggling pain, and overall lackluster athletic development.

Part 3: Sacrifices

After recovering from my first foot injury (or so I thought), I lacked the effortless speed and bounce I had before. I was transitioning to a slow player. By no means a bad player, but I couldn't easily go past people like I could before. Before, I was always the guy everyone was afraid to go into a tackle with or run against.