This is your tolerance to absorb and assimilate light into the body. Anybody can do it regardless of the skin tone you are starting out from. You just have to be smart about building up.
How do you start building up? You feed your body with softer morning sun (from sunrise to 11AM) then as your tolerance grows you get more midday
stronger sunlight when the UV light is more intense. Your goal is to be able
to easily handle a full day of full body sunlight without tiring or fatigue.
Then be sure to get as much afternoon/evening light as possible because this also helps build the callus and helps synchronize all the UV light you absorbed throughout the day.
AM sunlight, the transition between UVA and infrared A light, actually makes dopamine. That's one of the things that programs dopamine and dopamine is made from aromatic amino acids. Dopamine goes to fiber-type muscle. AM light is what builds dopamine levels the highest. Usain Bolt lives on top of a volcano in Jamaica. The higher you go, the more UV you get. Darker your skin, makes your redox higher.
Red light is the fastest way to build your solar callus, so that you can assimilate more UV light. The higher your skin redox is, the more mitochondria you have, the more water it makes, the less problems you'll have.
- Dr. Jack Kruse
The next way is to be eating lots of wild caught seafood, specifically shellfish like oysters and shrimp. You can crack open oysters raw and have with lemon or make ceviche with shrimp.
Seafood is loaded with DHA. DHA turns light into a DC electric current in the mitochondria. This basically supercharges your mitochondria's ability to absorb light.
(Any kind of fish oil pills are highly recommended against. These are highly oxidized and outside of their biological package designed by nature. These makes them highly toxic PUFAs.)
It is imperative that we do not shower or bathe the morning of a day of sunbathing. Washing removes the body’s natural oils that are a natural sunblock. Rubbing a little unrefined cold-pressed, below 96° Fahrenheit coconut or peanut oil into the skin the night before sunbathing promotes tanning and reduces the likelihood of burn.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz
It's very normal to get headaches and/or fatigue as you're adjusting to an increased amount of sun exposure. This is perfectly fine. This just shows how poor your mitochondrial function is.
Take a moment to relax in the shade. Use cold shower or baths to recharge and go again later that day or again the following day.
This will also be a sign your diet has some ways to improve. Higher quality raw food will mean better absorption and mineral content for your body. The more wild caught raw seafood the better.
This has to do with poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and iron toxicity. Use morning and evening sun to help your body break apart the lipofuscin.
The first is about avoiding cooked foods, processed foods, oxidized omega 3 fats. Stay far away from vegetable oils like canola, sunflower, and grapeseed.
Iron toxicity has again to do with processed foods with additives and heavy metals. Any fluoridated unfiltered water also is very important to avoid.
Dr. Jack Kruse
Nadime Artemis
John Ott