Entangled Library

Entangled Library #1: The Hundred Rules of War by Tsukahara Bokuden

A book from a mysterious infamous samurai named Tsukahara Bokuden 1489-1571 which details out rules of war taught to young warriors who have yet to face battle. It was a book hidden for many centuries but now translated into English. A quick read but many thoughtful rules that apply to the modern day athlete.

Entangled Library #2: Health & Light by John Ott

John Ott was the developer of time-lapse photography; much of his work was featured in Walt Disney nature films. While working on these projects, he discovered the importance of lighting in growing certain flowers. Experimenting, he discovered that exposure to light and other radiations also affects animal and human growth. His research is causing science to revise its opinions about the therapeutic benefits of light.