The more you work with Nature, the more you will recognize everything is hidden in plain sight.
Never be afraid to go against the grain. Most people are addicted to drugs(coffee), alcohol, entertainment, porn, or other variety of modern vices. If you're doing the opposite of the 99%, you're usually in good company.
Much of what you read here will take you down avenues you might have never considered to be there. All I can say, is trust your intuition that brought you here and turn the volume down on that voice telling you to not question things, to not want more, to not demand the best from yourself.
Results speak for themselves. Trust in that. The simple explanation is usually the best answer. Beware those clinging to Superiority.
Your conclusion's is the place where you got tired of thinking. This place is designed for people who like to go deeper.
If you want real change you have to go for wisdom that is uncommon to modern humans, why? Society has become so synthetic and artificial that the truth now offends people. Most people do not want to hear where they have chosen to work or live is the real problem in their life. Modern man is allergic to slowing down, and they believe that balance is counterintuitive to innovation and progress. As a clinician, family member, or employee, the moment you feel the need to tightly manage someone, you’ve made a relationship mistake. The best folks don’t need to be managed. Guided, taught, led, that is a positive, but not tightly managed. Those who need that need to be cut ASAP. And I do that now........and I am watching you a lot more closely now. You seem to be part of the problem and not a solution.
-Dr. Jack Kruse
If you don’t take responsibility for yourself, someone else will, and it won’t be to your benefit.
– Tom Barnett
Belief is the enemy of knowing.
The Matrix Trilogy
Hunter x Hunter
Lord of the Rings