In our modern unnatural lives we are often inside under air conditioners or heaters keeping a constant temperature regardless of the time of year or weather.
This causes the mitochondria to rust and whither away. It needs to be stimulated and "revved" up like an engine to stay fit.
The human body needs to adapt to it's environment, which includes temperature. Your mitochondria can produce it's own heat if you foster the Inner Furnace.
Now this doesn't mean you need to torment yourself in the snow and shiver all day, but we want to push ourselves step by step and utilize the Fournier effect.
The sauna & ice baths are amazing for your mitochondria. You can start with cold showers, but an ocean swim is ideal.
Act appropriately to your environment, if it is freezing outside you don't have to do cold showers everyday. Try a sauna or an Epsom salt bath.
Cold water sculpts your body. It fosters your Inner Furnace by forcing the mitochondria to produce heat. It also improves VO2 Max.
Fournier effect: hot and cold stress to address circadian mismatch -> lower half of body in cold bath and top half in the sun -> heat and cold contrast at the same time.
The more blue light you live around the more CT you need.
- Dr. Jack Kruse