Time to create your future self.
Time to create your arch-enemy.
Time to see the better you.
Time to chase Entangled. Time to light that fire under your ass. Time is running out.
He's winning and you're falling behind.
If you don't have this then what are you doing?!
You need to create objective, quantifiable, and time specific goals (that your better-self has already achieved).
Then create action plans to achieve those goals.
Then you're going to repeat those things out loud in front of the mirror each and every morning TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.
What would it feel like to have accomplished everything you dream of?
Put that into yourself now. Put that into every fiber of your being now.
Say you want to lose weight (burn fat)
Instead of saying "I'm going to lose weight"
You say "I get full body sunlight every day, get grounded, sleep on time in complete darkness, and eat exactly what I buy (according to the weight loss plan) in order to nourish my body, lower stress levels, and rip off old hardened fat so that I can reach my weight loss goal of being # of pounds in 3 months."
Then you say that 3 times every morning in the mirror looking yourself in the eyes until you complete your objective. Then you move to the next.
Say something and make it happen. Speak magical spells onto the subconscious and watch a new you be formed.
If you are unable to complete what you say you'll do then restart this module and upgrade your self-worth until you can.
Comment below a new spell you are going to cast on yourself in order to level up your health, athleticism, or life.