You tap into your own drive. You push your limits. You push past your limits. Walk the edge of your ability to push it wider step by step.
This can be done with shooting, dribbling, passing (with a wall or partner), or even sprinting (which is a skill).
The maximal intent principle can and should be applied from 1v1 all the way to 11v11.
There are some things that are beneficial to do on your own. This revolves around integrating the Performance Matrix into specific football skills. Always keep tension in the feet and retract the toes while training. The Maximal Intent Principle helps take your training from mindless to mindful.
This is where you push the limits of your ability during training to help mold your athleticism. This would mean in your passes with your partner, you try to hit it your hardest while maintaining your precision and accuracy. This sounds obvious, but there is more to it than meets the eye.
This video is just meant to signify the value of hitting pings with a teammate. It's like playing catch. Practice firm accurate pings with laces to back and forth until you get tired. In the beginning the pings might float a lot but over time try to get them lower. Think Maximal Intent Pings.
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