As you will find out, this is quite fitting.
"Fascia is the biological fabric that holds us together, the connective tissue network. You are about 70 trillion cells — neurons, muscle cells, epithelia — all humming in relative harmony; fascia is the 3D spider web of fibrous, gluey, and Fascia wet proteins that binds them together in their proper placement." (Anatomy Trains)
Going back to the beginning of human research into the anatomy of the body, fascia was seen as a material in the way. In human dissections, fascia was tossed out as they were in search of the muscles, bones, organs, etc. Little did they know, they were tossing out immense value.
Fascia is like the glue that holds everything together in your body as well as transmits and absorbs force. Fascia is the secret Nature hid inside all of us. It is what secretly allows the gazelle, jaguar, deer, and other springy animals to achieve such speeds almost effortlessly. It is the same for all elite athletes. They have sophisticated levels of fascial ability, but it is almost entirely unconscious. That is why I call them the Natural. They have no knowledge of this phenomenon, but for many reasons I will explain further in my blogs, developed it naturally through childhood. This is the system Nature intended the body to work through. Muscle is not the key like Mainstream science says.
Mainstream trainers and strength coaches will roll their eyes when fascia is mentioned because all they can think of is yoga instructors and Pilates classes. Fascia is assumed to be an inert tissue incapable of driving movement. They say it's impossible to train directly.
In response, I show them my feet and I go "watch me"...
The truth is there are contractile cells in fascia. Fascia can be the driver of movement. You can train fascia directly holistically from the root in the foot (and that doesn't mean we are not training muscle). Fascia work allows muscles to work how they were designed.
Fascia is the engine and muscles are the turbo. Without the engine, the turbo can't do much on it's own. The glutes are 80% fascial inserts. That means your glutes won't activate unless the fascia turns them on holistically... Most people have access to very little of their muscle. We are unlocking your fullest potential by turning the key giving you more access to your body than you had before.
In fact, little do the mainstream know "training fascia" is meant to be what all athletics is. This is because all elite athletes are fascial driven with a higher count of myofibroblasts. This makes exercise and movement restorative as opposed to depreciating. You build up by training not breaking down.
Fascia contractile cells makes possible movement to be instigated by fascia as opposed to muscle. This is proportionally created by the function in the feet.
When you don't have the feet, then athletics become a "grind". You become muscle-driven with giant blocky quads and football is a struggle whereas it should be free flowing, effortless, and fun of course.
Fascial fitness is about how well the fascia can smoothly glide it's multiple layers under the skin during movement. When you have years of scar tissue, adhesions, and dysfunctional feet you can see how most people are not fascia movers.
Fascia is related to everything: movement, health, speed, power, coordination, skill, body control, and almost anything you can think of in relation to athletics.
Have you wondered how the Natural can always have a sharp touch regardless of how much training they've done. This because the fascia has 10x proprioceptors than muscle.
Fascia is even related sexual stamina, confidence, intelligence, awareness, gut health, immune support, and longevity. Peak Harmony work will improve all these different aspects of human performance. That's how it should be. Anything holistic should help the whole, not the parts.
Now it's time to discuss how to mold your feet with the power of the conscious mind.
Fascia is a huge topic with many rabbit holes to go down. That's what I do on my private blog series.