How to fix foot injuries AND regain natural athleticism | Day 5: A Footballer’s Root

How to fix all foot injuries AND regain natural athleticism

Strengthen your Root 🦶

Many footballers totally ignore the importance of their feet…

Even though it's literally what you use to run, shoot, and dribble the football.

Footballers don't realize the feet literally control, dictate, and govern how everything upstream in the body works.

That includes all your muscles, bones, organs, and even your nervous system.

It also includes, and this important for athletes, how many muscle fibers you have access to across the body.

Why is that?

It's because a lot of muscles, for example the glutes, have fascial inserts to the muscle fibers.

Which means if the fascia in the feet isn't well tensioned then you won't have access to ALL of your muscle fibers across the body.

Imagine playing football with only 50% of the power, strength, and speed of your muscles?

Well that's what is actually happening on most pitches across the world since most athletes ignore and disrespect the functionality of their feet with sedentary modern living and especially thick modern cushioned shoes.

Now this exercise lymphatic hops is a great introduction to waking up the foot/ankle complex and getting the fascia system going.

And why is this different to everything else you see on the internet?

Because most trainers have no idea how the human foot actually works…

Or even worse, they have a totally wrong understanding of the foot or ankle that decreases foot functionality and leads to more injury…

Why is that?

It’s because fascia is something that is relatively new science.

Originally, fascia was thought to be filler tissue, totally inert and useless.

Only in the last 10 years or so has the better research on fascia come to light showing the far-reaching connections of the fascial system and how it actually forms the cornerstone of athleticism.

And of course where does fascia start?

In the feet, your ONLY point of contact to the ground.

Now I don’t want to turn this into a full blown research article but simply put, foot functionality is the first thing a footballer must think about when it comes to athletic training.

Anything without this focus is an aboslute waste of time.

Now this exercise Lymphatic hops is a great way to start training your feet with a specific intention on slapping the ball of foot down while keeping the heels up off the ground.

We have the full guide and training program involving lymphatic hops inside the Entangled Tribe 2.0 where you can begin your journey to becoming the best footballer possible.

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