How to make it in the Football World | Day 23: The Problem with Football Academies

Why young footballers don't make it

Truth bomb:

Football academies don't develop talent

Yes I know

“Isn't that the whole point of academies?!”

That's what most are led to believe…

But in actuality, academies really just bring in the best talent they can, put them together, and hope for the best

Hence why all these multi-million dollar academies end up bringing in kids from brazil…

And sadly with “modern” unnatural muscle-based training many academies actually sabotage their own players unknowingly

Then when you get hurt or are told you aren't athletic enough,

it's you left holding the bag looking for a new club...

It's your responsibility to develop your talent.

No one else is going to do it for you.

Make your hard work count for something by working smart.

That means working with Nature, treating the root cause of performance, and becoming the Natural

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