All football injuries are preventable | Day 2: Injuries are a choice

This is how you can fix every single injury and also improve performance at the same time…

How often are we told that every single injury has a different customized rehab program?

That for every different injury you need to go buy different kind of equipment or eat different kind of foods?

I equate this kind of thinking to playing wack-a-mole…

You use band-aid style fixes to cover up the pain of one injury which then creates a dysfunction or compensating pattern elsewhere in the human body.

And guess what?

You’re stuck going in circles paying all this money to fix one thing after another as if it’s just bad luck.

Well here’s a wake up call for you:

Injuries are not bad luck. They aren’t “part of the game”. And they definitely aren’t random.

The human body was not designed to break down randomly on it’s own with no one around.

Nature has been constantly evolving the human body over billions of years of pure survival

You really think that a few football matches, bad grass, or bad shoes are going to cause an ACL tear?

And yes this includes contact injury.

There are a multitude of factors that go into how a contact injury occurs.

  • Tissue integrity
  • Force Absorption
  • Momentum and generally how you can “ride a challenge”
  • Mitochondrial Function

And the biggest one, AVOIDANCE

If you’re so athletic then some clumsy defender shouldn’t be able to touch you. Let alone get you perfectly enough to break your leg or “make you” tear your ACL.

The biggest takeaway I’d like you have from this article, is that EVERYTHING is under your control.

In fact there’s no upside to saying the above statement isn’t true.

The more responsibility you take as a footballer, the farther you’ll get in life and your career.

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