How to fix athletic depression and become confident | Day 17: Tame Your Mind

Depression of the mind and the body is an all too common issue these days…

Footballers are anxious, worried, and nervous about their football. They don’t play with that next-level confidence they see the top players playing with. They can’t feel the game. They are almost locked in themselves unable to get out and express themselves as they wish…

I went through this myself countless times after all my injuries and surgeries.

I know what I want to do on the pitch but my body isn’t listening.

Or you don’t fully trust your body so you play scared. You play safe. You never truly get into that top gear and unleash your potential.

Well to solve this, let’s first look closer at what I said above: “of the mind and the body”.

“Now I’m sure you’re asking: Taylor, what is depression of the body? I’ve heard of depression of the mind before but not the body.”

Well I want you to do me a favor and think about what happens to the mind when you consistently sabotage your physical health?

When you’re tired, in pain, and out of shape… of course your mental wellbeing will go down as well.

So I want you to do this every single morning to tame your mind, fix athletic depression, and finally get back that confidence you’re supposed to have.

Wake up.

Fix your bed. Clean your room. Take out all the trash. Everything is organized and smells well. Dishes are cleaned and put away. Laundry is folded and put away. Clean up your physical ecosystem.

You can’t expect your mind to be clean and light if your physical living area is not.

Now get outside. Go for a walk. Get barefoot and see the sunrise.

Stack up small wins. That’s how you fix depression. By cleaning up the environment that created it, both mental and physical.

Do this for 30 days and I guarantee you will feel better about yourself and others will notice it…

When you’re ready to level up, DM me “tribe” and we’ll see if you’re ready to join us.

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