A Football Revolution Begins | Day 0: Burning the Boats

For the next 30 days, you are going to be hit with an avalanche of valuable life changing knowledge.

You ARE going to improve, transform, and revolutionize your  performance, career, and life whether you like it or not.

30 days of revolution

30 days of transformation

30 days of waking up the football world, one player at a time.

We are going to push ourselves to gather as many followers as possible over the next 30 days.


Time is running out.

The Football World is falling apart.

Players are dropping like flies.

Injuries every weekend.

Mental health crisis on the rise.

World Class talent is being destroyed as we speak.

Most footballers are asleep in a burning room and don't realize everything is falling apart around them.

Most the people on the titanic were happily partying while the ship was going down.

The people of Rome were cheering on gladiators in the Colosseum while barbarians had destroyed their empire and were literally at the gates.

You have a once in a lifetime opportunity right now to make a change.

To say goodbye to the old you and welcome in the the new you.

The version of you you've always dreamed of. The one you've been striving towards all these years but has always eluded you…

Well the time is now.

We're burning the boats.

Tomorrow it begins, I hope you're ready.

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