We are taught to believe that genetics determines athleticism, speed is luck, age means injury, strength is built in the gym, more muscle equals better, and so on and so on.
All of these false paradigms lock us into a hole. Keep our head down in the trenches lamenting our "bad luck" that we just don't have it what it takes. That somehow injury is just bad luck and we have to deal with it.
Why not instead realize that everything is under your control. That you were not designed to break down. That athleticism is simply a benchmark of how much harmony you've been able to unlock. It is simply a question of nurture.
And that is why you are here: to escape the matrix of athleticism and learn PEAK HARMONY to unlock that NATURAL athleticism that we all have locked away inside of us...
There are many areas of Natural Athleticism we'll look at that must be taken care of to unlock PEAK HARMONY. This is a map giving you a guide to the top.
It starts in your root, the foot. Your foot is your only connection to the ground. From the foot, fascia connections spiral up the posterior chain through the glutes and abs to create a springboard. Maintain that intention throughout the work.
Starting out, everyone will be at a different point up the mountain of natural athleticism and thus have different strengths and weaknesses. Some of you may have an existing level of glute connection while others will need to spend extra time regaining full functionality of your toes and arch.
Rome wasn't built overnight and true transformation takes time. Alongside this whole process, you are of course playing football (unless you're currently injured) and will see changes in yourself in real time at each step along the journey.
There are 3 levels in total. the three here in this course will keep you more than occupied for multiple years. When you're ready for more, I'll let you know.
There is no glory in rushing this process. Each step has a purpose and you only suffer by skipping important phases of the journey. Have patience and maintain your focus on the work at hand.
Generally, it is best to do 12 week blocks of work, do a 1 week rest, and repeat. This is what I call rinse, wash, repeat. Each cycle, your progress should be increasing and fascia connections growing in their strength and integration to football. Whenever you feel that the quality of your fascial tension is low then that is likely a sign that you need to rest.
Signs of this will be poor ankle stiffness and inability to apply tension on the field effectively (this doesn't apply to beginners). Fascial fatigue is deeper and more delayed than muscle.
Unless otherwise noted, fascial tension is to be applied during everywhere exercise. You need to squeeze hard. This is not easy. Sometimes it will feel like your foot might cramp. You need to apply more tension than you think you can.
Try to keep tension as much as you can throughout the day in your arch. This is the molding I talk about. You can do it while walking, sitting, cooking, etc.
My advice is to develop a routine where you do your Peak Harmony training at the same time and place every day so it becomes a habit. Habits truly make big effects in the long run when the small things you do every day add up.
Be aware of what sensations you are feeling while you train and play. These are important signs to understand if you are doing exercises correctly and on the right path.
There will be different stages as you progress.
Different levels of sensations at each level will dictate your current level of training. Generally if you're feeling quads or calves then we have work to do.
Currently there are 3 levels available. When footballers are ready for level 4, we will begin the package to be available as a separate piece. Now keep in mind that levels 1-3 and playing football can keep you fully occupied for several years at least so focus on the fundamentals and trust the process.